......sad, very sad.
This game was pathetic.
First off, there was some glitches to it. If you are surrounded, you can't get out. Sometimes the sword will swing, and not hit any thing, even if it goes right through the monster. And sometimes the monsters keep attacking you at a rate, so you can't attack them.
Second, dude......your spelling really does suck!
Why don't you just take the stuff you are going to type, put it on a word processor. Jesus, I have no idea how you could even miss spell those words......I know 4th graders that can spell that word.
I mean honestly, if you are going to submit a game......make sure all of the basics are ok. You say, I know my spelling is bad so don't tell me about it, or some shit. Look, that is too bad for you, if you can't spell those words.......you should be made fun of.
I think over all.......this game had bad graphics, was a bad style, and the sound just sucked.
Don't quit your day job damn it!